Above and Beyond Award Spotlight

Always helpful, in a good mood all the time, works hard and keeps people on task when needed and always helps more than she needs too, is never disrespectful to student or staff, and will do anything you ask her to do except for cheating and when you ask her to do all your work for you.
- About Ms. Patry- Aug. 22

Dion has been a staple volunteer in our district for the last few years. I don't recall an activity that he hasn't either head up or been a part of since I have been employed here. From helping with homecoming floats, to after prom, to judging scholar's bowl. there isn't a thing he won't do!
- About Dion Hoyt- Sept. 22

He has a great relationship with a lot of our students. He helps out with anything he is asked and sometimes helps when not asked. He does MANY above and beyond tasks for our district! Love listening to his youtube games! Pretty sure our district would not the same without him.
- About Mr. English- Oct 22

Ms. Shelley makes everything run smoothly. She is tiny but mighty. She is one strong, amazing, head strong lady.
- About Ms. White- Nov. 2022

Everything she has on her plate she still keeps a smile and positive attitude through it all. Also while still trying to help everyone (students & staff) with whatever they need!Singing our National Anthem at everything game, helping with the Kat paws on main. Always lending a hand !!
- About Mrs. Staten -- December 2022

“ He stepped up and works hard as a teacher and principal.” “He helps you with any work you have and he helps you be successful and respectful”. “He is constantly looking for ways to improve our school”
- About Mr. Ross- Jan. 2023

"She will help you and be there for you.” "She always helps people with their math or other class work when they need it. She is also very kind even to those who really don't deserve it."
- About Mrs. Habiger- Feb. 2023

March Above and Beyond Nominations open
- March 2023 Above and Beyond Award Winner is....
Fun Facts
The original Chase school building was built in this year.
Current RJH/CHS building was built
USD 401 was formed with the consolidation of Chase Raymond and Alden.

Perkins CTE Data

Business- CTE

Construction- CTE Pathways

Health Science- CTE

Teaching- CTE

Family Consumer Scien- CTE

Restaurant Event - CTE

Digital Media (AV) - CTE

Comprehensive Agriculture-